Day 3 – July 14

Day 3

Base Camp

Welcome to Day 3! Let’s worship together as we get our day started. Today we are learning that prayer is “Listening to God.” He speaks to us through His Word.

Bible Adventures

Today’s story comes from Luke 10:38-42. It’s the story of Mary and Martha. Consider the two different ways they responded to time with Jesus.

Bible Basics

We continue to study the Bible together as Miss Amy leads us through Luke 8:22-25.


Water Games –

Today we are playing water games! Here are a couple ideas to get you started:

Dodge the Water (Run through the sprinkler trying to jump over the streams)

Sprinkler Jumping Jacks (Take turns running into the sprinkler & doing jumps)

Under, Over (Pass a cup of water overhead, then through the legs)

Toss Across (Partners pass wet sponges to each other and step further apart)

Toss Across Extreme (Partners throw water from cup to cup stepping further apart until both cups are empty)

Drip, Drip, Drench (Duck, Duck Goose with a wet sponge)

Pair Up Relay (Partners from each team place a wet sponge between them and move together down and back – elbow to elbow, hip to hip, back to back, etc.)

We encourage you to get creative and come up with more fun ideas for relays and game variations!

Equipment: Hose, Sprinkler, Buckets, Cups, Sponges


Get Crafty!

Listening Ears – Let’s create a reminder to listen to God in prayer. Open up your Listening Ears headband kit. Remove the paper on the small circle earpiece and sticking it to the larger circle. Repeat. Insert the headband through the slots on each ear. Measure your headband around your head. Use the adhesive tab fastener to create the perfect fit for your headband. Decorate your Listening Ears in any way you would like.

Items needed – Listening Ears Headband Kit, Markers, Tape (just in case it is needed)


Prayer Corner

We will take a look at useful tools as we learn to talk with God. How is your journal coming along? We encourage you to use this journal daily for time alone with God.

On a Mission

Have you been donating to what God is doing in the lives of kids at Pioneer Elementary School? Only one more day to reach $150. If you’d like to donate, click HERE.

Base Camp Finale

Let’s end our day with praising God for all he has done!

Thanks for joining us for Day 3 of Summer Adventure! Remind families to come to the Celebration on Friday evening at MSC.